Scratch Dog or Not – Are Shih Tzu Hypoallergenic?



The name “Shih Tzu” literally translates to little lion, but there is absolutely no characteristic about this dog that makes it ferocious or predatorial. This dog breed is reared entirely to be your best friend and not a hunting companion. Shih Tzus are devoted, cheerful, sociable pets who love to tag along and play with their families at every given opportunity.


Before you begin your exhaustive research and hunt for a perfect pet that doesn’t keep you worried about allergies, it’s important that you know that allergies are triggered by saliva and ‘dander’ which really is flakes of skin trapped in your pet’s mane contrary to popular belief that your pet’s hair itself causes allergies

We have some good news for you. There are breeds that are less likely to trigger an allergic reaction, and its special rich fur makes Shih Tzu one such breed. However, as a well-informed dog owner, you must be aware of the fact that all dogs do salivate so a truly allergy-free dog is impossible.

Of course, dander is real and it simply refers to dead skin cells, very much like dandruff, just like humans do. Since some of us are allergic to dog dander, rather than its hair or fur, it’s practically impossible to have an absolute hypoallergenic dog.

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Having said that, although there aren’t any hypoallergenic dogs in their truest sense, Shi Tzu’s are a wonderful dog breed for people with allergies if you love you’re house proud and hate stray fur all over the place!


If you’ve ever been the proud owner of a Shi Tzu you would have noticed its unusual coat with a rich, soft and silky fur. The irresistibly smooth coat is in fact fine, layered hair instead of fur. Since the Shih Tzu has no fur, you wouldn’t have to worry about allergic reactions to dense fur at all! The Shih Tzu also sheds its hair considerably less compared to its other canine counterparts, as a result of which your pet harbours a lot less dander, which triggers your irritating allergies. In addition, the Shih Tzu comes with a royal double layer coat, trapping any shed hair so you don’t have to worry about hair clinging to you or your furniture. However, while choosing your dog, it’s important to be mindful of the fact that these are only the commonest of the many allergies we can have to pets. Animal allergies are more common than you think and they could be to a varied spectrum of allergens. Therefore nature and sensitivity of individuals are far more deterministic in making a pet choice more than the actual breed of a dog.


These delightful dogs in a small frame are built to be indoors. Their sheer energy and passion just gladdens the feeling at home. Their loyalty and their desire to please their family is a feature that this dog has. The Shih Tzu is also a very social dog and loves to mingle with other dogs and humans. As dynamic as they are, these little breeds are delicate and tender. As energetically as you feel like playing with them, understand that they are not cut for such force. Gentle and regular games are best for them.


Shih Tzus have been raised as friendly dogs meant to act as an additional member, and this makes them extremely attached to their families. They quickly develop fear and grief when their parents are not anywhere around, particularly if it is not accustomed to being on its own around the house. Develop the handsome little canine to be able to stay alone once in a while. This could be splitting away from it for a brief period of time, or by letting it run free in the confines of your home while you stay secluded in some bedroom or in your garden if you have any. But be careful if your dog has ripping fantasies. You may not have a couch or a shoe when you get back to check on it.


Understanding that the real culprit causing your annoying allergies are your pet’s dander and saliva means that you can now actively take measures in controlling your Shi Tzu’s dander.

An effective way to reduce the dander build upon your canine’s silky mane is a simple, thorough bath. Remember these pups tend to have sensitive skin, so it’s best to use a good quality pet shampoo just like you’d settle for nothing less for yourself.

A simple cleansing formula that is soothing and moisturizing to the skin, with minimal fragrance should do the trick. This is important because many added perfumes can be harsh on your pet’s sensitive skin, causing irritation, and this even worsen the dander.


Regularly grooming your fuzzy little family member can go a long way in keeping your pet clean, healthy, and comfortable. Shih Tzu dogs need to be brushed often and tend to shed less if their hair is kept. Whether you like to groom your dog yourself or prefer professional groomers, the choice of style, of course, is down to personal preference. However, when you have to pick a style, try keeping the hair longer. It adds to the adorable looks of the dog. This simple and clever style trick also ensures that the longer overcoat traps the shed hair from the undercoat. Brushing removed any shed hair trapped in the overcoat, overtime also improving the texture and density of the coat. A religious morning brushing routine can work wonders on your bonding with your pet in addition to it being great for its coat. It’s a good idea to keep your grooming activities and brushing outside whenever possible in order to keep the excess hair and dander outside as much as possible.

Periodically vacuuming your carpets to get rid of dander or hair, getting easily washable mats, and more importantly keeping your pet out of your bedroom, away from the place you sleep can go a long way in preventing those annoying allergies

Careful measures toward shed control and grooming as key steps in keeping your allergies at bay.

Shih Tzus are an exceptional variety to rear when there is someone in your household who cannot tolerate dog fur or dander. Shed control and grooming are essential for keeping allergies at bay, but hey, in order to have the adorable Shih Tzu pup that you have always wanted to, these seemingly elaborate ordeals are absolutely worth it. You might even grow fond of it over time, after all, what better way to bond with your dog than indulge in caring and grooming your beloved fuzzy wuzzy.


Just like a Maltese dog, or a Lhasa Apso, this petite pooch is for those people who are in search of a therapy or a companion dog. This dog is faithful, devoted, spirited, and is indisputably one of the best dogs to bring a smile across your face and on everyone’s in the house. In addition to this, it is established to generate fewer occurrences of the sniffles due to its hair and is extremely resistant and consequently is a carrier to a lesser number of maladies as well.

Now that you know all about the Shih Tu, when is the furry friend stepping indoors into your house, and into your heart?

Check on Amazon for More Hypoallergenic Dog Products


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