Scratch Dog or Not – Are Maltese Hypoallergenic?


All that you need to know about the Hypoallergenic Maltese Dog

For all the dog lovers out there, hours of belly rubs and playing with their pets seems like minutes. However, nature plays spoilsport, making some people allergic to dog hair, and this may sometimes deny them of a poochy pleasure that they seek. But fear not. The solution to a pet that does not trigger your allergies is waiting to run up to you! While the falcon may not be exactly what you look for, however, this other Maltese animal is the crown jewel that is waiting for you. Voila, the Hypoallergenic Maltese dog.

About the Breed – Maltese dog

Le petit prince of the pooch world, Maltese dogs are one of the oldest breeds out there and the oldest toy dog breed. Originating on the island of Malta, these pooches are bred as companion dogs. These playful little bundles of joy are popular among small dog owners. These days the hypoallergenic variant is gaining popularity.

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These canines belong to the Toy group, shed less hair, drool less, and can be trained with great ease. They are also filled with energy in their tiny little bodies that live happily for around 12-15 years.

The Hypoallergenic Coat

The Maltese dog has soft and smooth white hair forming its coat, which may have a slightly different colour around their ear, like a beige tinge. The dog weighs a mere 5-7 pounds at the most, and with its little black nose and eyes that would melt your heart, this breed has a good stable body with a great sense of their center of gravity and hence it is able to dash with a straight demeanour on the ground.

Getting to what makes it Hypoallergenic, the secret lies in that smooth yet lush coat. The hair is arranged in one layer, and there is no undercoat or a secondary layer of smaller and finer hair. Adding to this feature, the pupper sheds very little and has practically no dandruff. That is double the reason to be free from those sniffles and tears that some of you face when you come close to “man’s best friend”.

The Nature of the Maltese Dog

These adorable little dogs are more of the indoor kind. Their pooch-like body with their hound-like energy and enthusiasm are sure to lift up your mood, and this makes them a really helpful therapy dog. Their obedience and the pleasure they get from pleasing their family makes them more social and can blend with kids and other animals. This key trait also makes them a very competitive dog in pageants and contests. As energetic as they are, these dogs are frail and sensitive. It is advisable to be playful with them, but at the same time cautious as well. And just like any other dog, balance the play and the pampering.

Maltese dog – The Training

Contrary to the notions that new dog owners with inadequate research hold, smaller dogs are relatively harder to train and their high energy makes them a naughty little one. This, therefore, necessitates training at a young age itself. The ideal age to begin training is around 2-3 months. Giving it exposure to other dogs or trainers at this age will train the doggo well.

Also, basic classical conditioning works. Injurious behaviour by the dog such as scratching, biting, damaging property should be curtailed from the very beginning. Being a sensitive dog, do not use force whatsoever. Treat it like your child, being strict when it is wrong, and showering it with love on all other occasions.

Maltese dog – The Emotional Attachment

Maltese dogs have been bred for companionship, and this makes them a very emotionally labile and attached breed. They quickly develop anxiety and sadness when their family is not near them, especially if it is not trained to be alone occasionally. Prepare your little dog to be able to stay alone once in a while. This could be leaving it in a room, or pseudo-home alone (Let it free in the house while you stay locked in a room for some time, or somewhere outdoors in close proximity). The latter works only if your dog is not a naughty one and would find the first opportunity to rip your couch apart.

This attachment extends to a sense of responsibility towards protecting its family. They tend to charge at, or incessantly bark at strangers or anyone they perceive to be a threat. This may occasionally get a little out of hand, and so proper training is ideal. As various dog trainers suggest, the “Speak” command to bark only when the said word is used is the ideal starting point. As for the harmful behaviour, proper training to tame the raw enthusiasm in the dog is the way out.

Maltese dog – Hygiene and Care

Yet again, the single coat of hair and low dandruff shows its benefits. These hair are sturdy and well attached to the root, and therefore have lesser amounts of hair fall. Regardless of the size of the fur coat you choose, it needs to be combed and groomed twice a week, and the hair will need to be cut short at approximately 2 months. Even though these dogs salivate and drool less, oral hygiene is still an absolute must.

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However, getting enthusiastic about said hygienic practices is more harmful than. The soaps or shampoos used are barbarous over a period of time on the soft skin of your Maltese dog. Be sure to keep the eyes and ears clean as well, as the tears and constant running around may catch a lot of dust on the fur.

Apart from this, the ears need to be checked for any wax or foul-smelling discharge in case of any infection. Keep an eye out for wounds cause these dogs may easily injure themselves in their playful mood. Ideally, most of the dog’s general grooming (brushing the hair, brushing the teeth, a quick look around for anything different, et cetera) needs to be conducted once every 3 or four days or somehow spacing it apart to get it done twice a week. This is of paramount importance to maintain the hypoallergenic features of this adorable little dog.

Maltese dog – Healthcare

For the high energy that they possess, the Maltese dogs have a relatively small appetite. The amount of food needed is not as much, but it does need meals at regular intervals, and on time. Just like the prince it is.

When it comes to taking on diseases, the Maltese hypoallergenic dogs are one of the healthiest and resilient dogs out there. They are far more immune to infections or any other illnesses. However, they are more prone to non-infectious diseases that affect pooches. Most of these may occur due to senility, but there are a few illnesses that occur regardless of their age. These include problems in the teeth, the liver, the knee, and the brain. It may also be prone to skin infections and eye infections due to its long hair that may curve inwards occasionally. Even though most of these conditions can be managed medically, some do require surgical management.

But most of the visits to the veterinarian are due to the injuries that this fragile little canine gets. Highlighting the relatively frail body, yet again, you as a family to the Maltese dog must handle it with care. Its tender body cannot handle the rough belly rubs that you might give a larger breed such as the labrador.

This dog requires regular physical activity. A daily round of approximately half an hour would keep the dog extremely healthy, thereby adding to the longevity. Even at home, it is advisable to keep the dog active and engaged with playful activities.

Who is this dog most suited for?

Anybody. That is just it. The Maltese hypoallergenic dog is suited for anyone. But if one were to still probe to get an answer as to whom this dog is ideal for, our suggestion is for those looking for a therapy or a companion dog. This dog is loyal, faithful, playful, and is sure to bring joy to everyone in the house. In addition, it is proven to cause lesser instances of allergic reactions and is very immune and hence transmits fewer diseases as well. This makes it an ideal companion for senior citizens. A toilet-trained Maltese dog can be a perfect dog to have at a studio apartment or a residential complex. But giving it quality outdoor time is a must.

To conclude this, before we can go and play fetch with our cute canine that are wagging their tails while waiting for us, The Hypoallergenic Maltese dog is one of the best breeds out there if you look for a companion with a low chance of giving you the sniffles, and a definite guarantee of giving you a good time throughout their lifespan. They will always be loyal to you and your health, and just ask for a royal treatment occasionally when they require some hygienic maintenance. When are you adopting your new loyal best friend?

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